Spe­cial solutions

Often the given con­di­ti­ons in found­ries, indus­tri­al halls, sto­rage are­as are very dif­fe­rent and a cra­ne sca­le stan­dard solu­ti­on does not match all nee­ded requirements.

For ins­tance if the total lif­ting height of the cra­ne is limi­t­ed, the cra­ne sca­le must have the smal­lest pos­si­ble instal­la­ti­on space. If the goods to be weig­hed are very long or the weight balan­ce is uneven, the hook and load sus­pen­si­on of the han­ging sca­le must be adapt­ed. In more than 40 years of expe­ri­ence, we have alre­a­dy hel­ped num­e­rous cus­to­mers to signi­fi­cant­ly sim­pli­fy their weig­hing pro­cess by deve­lo­ping and manu­fac­tu­ring spe­cial indus­tri­al sca­le solutions.

The advan­ta­ges her­eby are obvious: we give advi­se on your weig­hing problem
direct­ly on site, dis­cuss the exact requi­re­ments and pro­du­ce the solu­ti­on that
fits your weig­hing situa­ti­on exactly.

Ever­y­thing in an easy and quick way from one part­ner : EHP weig­hing technology!

All EHP cra­ne sca­les have a mecha­ni­cal safe­ty fac­tor of 5: 1 – this means that our sca­les car­ry five times your maxi­mum load wit­hout breaka­ge of stres­sed assem­blies. Com­pared to almost all com­pe­ti­ti­ve pro­ducts, our cra­ne sca­les are not only cer­ti­fied for weig­hing due to their high safe­ty stan­dards, but can also be used to trans­port goods (accor­ding to EN 13155).

Cont­act us today!


+49 7223 9366–0
Mon­day- Thursday:
08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m.
08:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


EHP Wäge­tech­nik GmbH
Die­sel­str. 8
77815 Bühl

© 2021 EHP Wäge­tech­nik GmbH